T-shirts / polos

T-shirts / polos it's a wide choice high quality t-shirts Perfect for everyday use, both for staff and advertising clothing.

A large variety of products allows you to adjust the purchase to your needs in the premium and standard categories. T-shirts are available in various designs, styles and colors, with short and long arms. In addition to traditional T-shirts / polos, we offer warning T-shirts with reflective elements.

The high quality of the t-shirts ensures that their quality is maintained after repeated washing, and their optimal weight ensures that they maintain their original form for a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the technology-based T-shirt collection ACTIVE-DRYwhich works very well in conditions with a high risk of sweating. Such clothes can be used not only inside but also outside buildings, depending on the needs.

T-shirts / polo - everyday kcomfort of use

T-shirts / polos sewn with attention to detail. Aesthetic refinement in details makes it a product that will work in many industries and with increased physical activity. They constitute a set of ideal performance parameters. Competitive prices and a wide selection are especially important when purchasing workwear for the entire crew.

T-shirts made of flexible and soft-to-touch fabrics give a sense of comfort during their use. Thanks to their properties, they adapt to the body while ensuring freedom of movement. Breathable materials minimize the risk of excessive sweating, which is especially important at high temperatures.


Available in our shop T-shirts / polos are appreciated for their universal, timeless design.

They are very popular premium quality t-shirtsthat are devoid of side seams.

The high-quality fabric will withstand even the most intensive use. It is worth noting that the image of the staff influences the perception of the brand. It is for this reason that an investment in high-quality clothing is important to maintain an impeccable presence after many weeks of use. Thanks to the competitive price, picking clothes for the crew will not be a big financial burden.

Warning T-Shirts

Worker t-shirts warning signs are products that meet all currently applicable standards to maintain safety rules. They improve visibility not only inside the building, but also outside. Our offer includes only the highest quality models from reputable manufacturers. They come in several different variants, which makes it easy to choose something suitable.

The great advantage is the fact that the properties remain even after many washes. Warning T-shirts made of certified materials that do not irritate the skin or cause negative effects. Thanks to its low weight, it will not be a burden in high temperature conditions. They are suitable for both genders.


T-shirts for every season

The offered long-sleeved T-shirts can be a perfect complement to a set of outfits for employees. The available models have been finished with attention to all details, which will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Reinforcing tapes help to keep the proper form and reduce the risk of the fabric fraying. Certified materials are even sensitive to sensitive skin.

Individual design

All models are ideal for computer embroidery. T-Shirts / Polówki with your own logo require an individual design that will be fully adapted to the client's preferences. The execution of the order begins only after full approval of the client.

While working, we use advanced machines in our own machine park. As a result, this translates into exceptional precision of workmanship - even the smallest details will be fully refined.

The full range of models can be purchased both in our online store www.pm.com.pl or in our shop on Allegro "PRODUCER-BHP".

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